2016 is almost here. Well it is here. I am 4 months into my 42nd year on this planet. I always reflect on things, too much I am sure, but at the end of the year you are really supposed to, right? So we write down all things we didn't do well, enough or even at all...and try to resolute them for the next year. That is a lot of pressure!! Like too much pressure. It makes my heart beat faster and I start to sweat. So I am trying something different; for me anyway. I am gonna get over stuff in 2016. The art of getting over the overs.
It surprisingly didn't take me too long to find the things I am over...doing! So here is my resolution, my list of things I want to work on, in or be done with ...
1. Over spending- Just stop. Be simple. Content. Less is more.
2. Over planning- a little spontaneity will do me good. Things are nice to look forward to but when I'm always planning the next thing, I miss out on the present.
3. Over doing- Live simply. See number 1.
4. Over sharing- This may or may not work since I blog and all that jazz. But hey, how about sharing other people's stories. Boom! yes. I am over that.
5. Over reacting- I will try really, really hard.
6. Over sensitive- I know I feel things too deeply. I am overly passionate and enthusiastic. But it kinda makes me an empathetic bad ass. So, maybe I won't touch this one. I will just work on how I react (see number 5) when people say I am too sensitive... I will simply reply, thank you!
7. Over eating- This is a big one. Slow down. Be prepared to take the steps to help me not be tempted to over eat. Keep busy and get moving. These go hand in hand for me...if I am moving I won't eat. Sounds simple- but for me its always a battle.
8. Over thinking- I will stop killing my own happiness. I will breathe and I will push the delete button and stop hitting replay in my head. It usually creates problems that don't exist so I will think less and do more.
9. Over judging- I will work on being an encourager instead of a critic.
10. Over singing- Ha! This. IS. NOT. Going. To. Happen. I will turn it up and sing louder!
I know this list looks like a lot - and I am a mess. But really, this list is just about moderation for me, I was chatting with my squad and that word came up; moderation. I suck at moderation. I am in all in girl. The lucky thing for me is that my squad... they are good at it. Unless it is mini powdered donuts then forget about it- I am an island.

I will be fearless and bravish in my journey and I will continue to let Love be guiding force. I will relish and mustard in my daily life and make the most out of everyday. Bring on 2016.