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Chris Harrison and Hannah Brown in Netherlands via Instagram |
My obsession fizzed out because life happened but in the last several years it has resurfaced with the spin off The Bachelorette in its 15th season. And I have hooked my youngest daughter too... GASP! I know, I know. It is not a good idea- I second guess my parenting skills ALL THE TIME while we are curled on the couch, laughing or crying at the heartbreaking antics of the contestants on the show.
It is my guilty pleasure - it is soooo bad, right??
It definitely can and does bring out the worst in people. 30 single men are fighting for one girl's heart; but not any girl; she is beautiful, smart, courageous, successful and funny, Hannah Brown. Oh and her accent... and red nose. ROLL TIDE. Sorry... I digress. She is one of my faves since JoJo back in season 12.What could go wrong??
Well, kinda a lot. The drama and arguing and backstabbing and sometimes physical altercations- one guy has even fallen off a top bunk, last season! And I cringe at the sex scenes as they get more risque every season, and my mouth opens wider in astonishment that they are showing this much skin on TV, but I can't look away.![]() |
The cast of Bachelorette 15 via Instagram |
But hold up ... as I sift through all the reasons I shouldn't watch it, there are some pretty big ones why I do:
1. Intentional time together: It's our thing; we look forward to it every week. If we can't watch it live we plan when we can. We put on our "comfies" and snuggle into the couch for the bumpy ride, together. No phones, no interruptions, just us, some snacks and girl time!
2. Drama without the drama: You can try and deny it all you want- but it's in all of our DNA to be attracted to drama. So we can enjoy the drama and not have to worry about the heartache that comes with it.
3. The Conversations: It opens the door for some tough conversation regarding sex, communication, seeking attention, relationships etc. It may not be the ideal platform, but it has allowed us to talk about things that may not have happened. I am grateful for any help I can get!
4. The Comradery: We root for them to fall in love. We cheer for them stand up for themselves and we encourage them to be their best selves. And we laugh and cringe when it's the opposite! We are in this thing together!
5. Our Personal attachments to the contestants: I have my front runners and so does my daughter; sometimes they are the same... sometimes not. We root for our favorites every week to come back and once in awhile we hope someone goes packing early. We were devastated to see Mike go this past Monday and not happy at all that Luke P. is still there wreaking havoc on Hannah's heart. It is pop culture at its finest. I follow them on Insta and it is my escape... no harm no foul.
6. The Pretty people and Places: I think this goes without saying. They are easy on the eyes. I love seeing their outfits and watching the trends. This year Tyler has my heart for his colorful and tight pants. And who doesn't love to travel??? This season they will have been to Scotland, the Netherlands, Latvia, and Greece to name a few. The places are exotic and beautiful and for a few hours on a Monday evening we get to go.
7. It's entertainment: It is TV, it is for enjoyment. And these people have put themselves out there for the world to watch their every move... now, I do know that they set things up for the camera and for good tv. It's not totally real- editing is pure magic when you are looking for ratings. . The producers are looking for ratings, I don't throw shade. That is their job. But the people are real and we love to watch how they respond.
8. True love does exist: If it is meant to be it is meant to be; whether you fall in love on a TV show or in a movie theater it can happen if your heart is open for it and you are willing to put in the work. Read this article to see who has found love on the show.
As Hannah Brown heads into hometowns next week we are rooting for our guys to win her heart. I am already hoping Mike is the next bachelor which will premier in the fall. I realize it is a love or hate relationship with the show- you either watch it or don't. BUT I love it, even when I hate it. It is an escape and a fun evening spent with my daughter, relaxing.
It is pop culture at its finest. I follow them on Insta and may stalk Reality Steve! But it is my escape... no harm no foul.