
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Pass on the Love

Nothing could make my heart leap for joy more then when my kids "get" the meaning of a random act of kindness. It is something we love to preach but maybe don't do it near enough. We talk about giving and making others feel special and loved as a normal part of our routine. But I guess like all things it can become mundane. Until, something as mundane as going grocery shopping turns into magnificent.

We love Aldis...we avoid Walmart at all costs in our small rural town. They (Aldis) do have the best produce; it has to travel way too far for my liking...  I guess I could plant my own garden and do the farm to table thing...but I will save that for another blog post of things I should do.

So together we made our to do list this morning; my daughters and I. Last stop grocery shopping. Aldis. If you aren't familiar with Aldis it is probably because you have real grocery stores where you live; lucky you!!  You pay a quarter to get a cart; when you return it you receive your shiny quarter back. Seems simple enough.

Today an older gentleman gave us our cart... my oldest daughter said, "Thank you sir!"  and she beamed with pride like she won a trophy. At the end of our shopping I was unloading the cart- alone. I said to the girls,
  "Why do I have to ask you to help me?" Which both of them with their big brown eyes said, 
"Oh sorry Momma!"

Really??? Like you never even thought to help me! What am I doing wrong here!?!? The dialogue in my head wasn't very sweet- I was clearly the worst mom and raising two inconsiderate girls...

Then, my oldest daughter takes the cart and is headed to return it...and she spots a grandma- with a pep in her voice she says, here ya go! and the sweet grandma tries to give her a quarter, because that's what you do at carts for a quarter. And here it daughter says,

 "No, its yours- just pass on the love."

What?? Be still my heart. And in that moment, that sweet moment, I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong.

Even in the middle of mundane chores...the sweet may happen. Open your eyes and you may be surprised.

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