
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Don't do that. Do this.

I'm trying to be Mary but it never works. I am too busy acting like Martha and preparing for Christmas,  for well, everyone. Except the real reason.  Tonight I was still. My youngest is sick. And I sat in the chair after a drag out, not very Christmasy spirited exchange with Hubby and I wondered: why can't we just be content?

 Here is the vulture's truth.  This is the time to be preparing our hearts for the wonderful gift we were given wrapped in swaddling clothes and born in a barn...with hay on the floor. Instead, I am comparing myself to others. Which completely robs me of my creativity and joy.   There it is. Dark. Nasty. And circling around. 

So I stopped.  I sat down. And I picked up the phone and dialed the closest thing to my mom I know.  We laughed and chit chatted about the plans we were having and how everyone was and made sure that all were healthy on both sides of the phone. Thankfully everyone is doing okay. We talked for about  fifteen minutes. That is all it took for me to find my joy again. To be reminded that the reason for this season is to love, welcome and celebrate the birth of Jesus.  

I get so involved in creating life that I forget to enjoy it.  And then I get snappy and snarky and say hurtful things to the people I shouldn't hurt.  And during Christmas it is magnified to the millionth degree.
So here is my do and don't list. (I told you like lists.) 

Don't rob yourself of joy this season. Do be still and listen to Christmas songs.
Don't worry about the mess from baking. Do dance in the kitchen. 
Don't give to receive. Do give. Do give real big. 
Don't be afraid to say no. Do say yes to hot chocolate, a blanket and quiet time.
Don't move the elf. Do move the elf.
Don't be afraid of change. Do welcome new traditions.
Don't just give stuff. Do make memories. 
Don't compare. Do celebrate.  
Don't forget to love hard. Do show up, even if you aren't ready. 
Don't be a grinch. Do smile. 
Don't forget the cookies for Santa.  Do believe. 
Don't forget to be quiet, still and have a silent night. 
Do believe in the magic, wonder and beauty of it all. 
Don't stop creating. Do share. 
Don't worry about being imperfect. 
Do know that you are loved this Christmas and every day that is Un-Christmas. 

Sweet baby Jesus is on His way!

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