Last week we took the girls to see the movie Paddington. I had been waiting for this movie for some time and I know for a fact I was more excited than the girls to go see it. Something about a bear with manners and the best overcoat had me channeling my inner child.
I was ready to take a trip to London...
As I sat in the movie theater I got a lump in my throat. I know I am a neurotic mess most days but you know this bear, he gets it. And he saves this family from mundane living to dancing in the kitchen kind of living. He didn't care that they were less furry than him, he just loved them. Kindly. He was respectful. He was dapper. He was curious and perfectly poised.
Could you imagine what Mary Poppins would do if she ran into Paddington? I think they would be fast friends. And she would, of course, keep his unintentional chaos to a minimum. Not too mention they would share each others treasured optimism and a love for tea and crumpets with lots and lots of marmalade.
Oh, I simply adore that fuzzy brown bear in a hat.
I wish we could all wear a note that simply reminded each other to "Look after me today...Thank you." Or a rubber band on our wrist or stamped to our foreheads! . Addicts do it to remember to be strong in their sobriety. We right post it notes all over the place, to help not be forgetful.
Siri can even give us reminders to do every day things : take the trash out, pay the bills,
pick up milk, soccer practice, ballet @ 4p.m.
What if you set a reminder on your phone and at 11:45 am every day
(in the most persuasive Colin Firth voice) would say...
"Look after others today...thank you. Carry on."
Pretty simple, don't you think?
A daily reminder to just look out for each other. I mean why do we have to not be kind or not nice or not show grace to the ones we are around- DAILY. I realize I am comparing us to a bear...he is a different species and all. But it doesn't matter what species we are does it? I mean come on...we are all different. Black, White, Tall, Short, Fat, Skinny, Gay, Straight, Rich, Poor, Stay at Home Mom, Working Mom, Christian, Jewish, Muslim. You get it right? Don't keep pointing out all of our "speciest" differences...just embrace and celebrate it. We truly are all soooo different.
I think Michael Bond was on to something all those years ago...
"Paddington stands up for things, he's not afraid of going to the top and the hard stare"
The thing that connects us is the need to be loved and to love. So for the love of all that is good in this world - just look after each other. Today, tomorrow and always.