my head was pounding when I woke up. I begged the meds to kick in, Quicker. I knew the day was going to be a weeks at school are always like that. which I don't get - it's like Christmas- same day every year, and it shouldn't sneak up on you like your first chin hair, or your daughters first crush but it does. Party weeks are always busy and last minute gifts and favors and snacks and the list goes on to just add to the mayhem. And we always say, It snuck up on me!
So I was expecting mayhem and headaches and a dark day...instead I got something else.
I think you know by now I am a fan of dance parties... I love to sing loud and make up silly moves. I think it may be a little scary to watch. But guess what...I don't care! Me and the girls dance party usually daughter #2 was studying her bible verse and I rudely interrupted as my song of the week came on...
HeartBeat Song by Kelly Clarkson. I figure the first ever winner of
American Idol was okay to stop studying for 3 minutes. Yes. I did stop studying with my daughter to dance. There will be a time that they will not want to dance with I am not letting that sneak up on me.
In the middle of all the mundane, fantastic, life stuff that happens as I try to keep things somewhat stitched together as husband is gone all week. My heart is bursting... I just feel like I have to shout it. So many things about this day snuck up on me... Like:
when daughter #1 said with a new grin I have never seen before, "See ya in the car players!"
or how about when two of my struggling students rocked their science test. Not that I didn't expect their greatness but it still snuck up on me and made me yell YES!!! I may have fist pumped. Okay I did, I totally rocked that fist pump.
or how about when we dance partied on the way home and daughter #2 says, "I just love you guys"
or how about when daughter #1 made me an egg for dinner - BEFORE herself. She showed me her servant heart and the fact she can make breakfast for dinner snuck up on me.
or how about as daughter number 2 danced and twirled and practice her ballet with such purpose that it made me dream of what her future will be on the horse or on the barre - that moment snuck up on me.
or how about how we rocked our chores as a unified team tonight with only one pouting episode and I didn't yell until bedtime!
So my heart is full tonight as I get ready for Donut Friday and a fun day with anticipation and buzz surrounding Valentines day. I hope you have a wonderful heart day without too much expectations or disappointment because really every day can be full of special moments, moments that sneak up on you and make your heartbeat turn it up and let it happen.You don't need a stinking holiday for that! (that's a whole other blog I will shut up now!)
Even if you have forgotten for a while what love looks like...its there. Love is all around, turn it up and let it happen...after all love does win if you let it.
And tomorrow's dance party would be the most awesome dance party evah if Uptown Funk and Heartbeat Song could join us for our 16 min drive to school...someone make that happen!!!!