
Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I am not exactly where I thought I would be. I don't really get too upset or angry  about it - its more of a confused state. Discombobulated.  I fell down the rabbit hole like Alice and then woke up... I look around and it doesn't look familiar but it doesn't feel wrong either. But it is a struggle for me daily to figure it all out. And as my girls get older it is even more important to get it all right. Every Day. And I fail at it miserably.

It makes it hard in this digital age for me to not be confused because I am constantly reminded of what my life should look like, feel like and be like as I watch everyone else's unfold via the highlight reel. I'm not a social media hater... just the opposite in fact. I am a social media junkie. I Instagram. I Facebook- (less and less but I do) I tweet. I pin. I blog. I skype. And yes, I use hashtags.
I teach technology for the love of Pete. I can't hate it. So when my church is offering some real Biblical truths about the tech world I live in... Consider my mind blown and my heart busted wide open to receive the good news. Or bad. Depending how you look at it. You know me by now...I will look for the sweet in it!

It applies to me so much that through the whole first service this past weekend, I sat there mouth open dragging on the floor. I am sure I looked like a bobble head in the chair, nodding and agreeing and having light bulb moment after light bulb moment. Or it could be that hubbie may or may not have leaned forward and pointed at me and said..."are you listening?" Um. hello, Sweet Baby Ray's Yes. I am all ears...

Here is my truth:
I know I am on my devices too much... and I tell my daughters to get off of theirs. Great parenting, right???  I blame it on my job, but that isn't fair. I need some moderation*
I feel I do celebrate wins and lay off the Eeyore type of posts or hum drum negativity...or even in appropriate content. Again- I am having to set an example for my daughters and students alike... So I am anxious to apply the Biblical truths that were shared last week and in the upcoming lessons. Crush comparison, celebrate others victories (big or small) and finally have a heart filled with gratitude...and chocolate.  Chocolate is good. Maybe I just need some balance??? 

Are you curious yet????
So here it is ... watch the video. It is 27 minutes short and that is worth your time. That is less time than an episode of Full House, a quick washing machine cycle or the 27 minutes you lost trolling Facebook this morning... Put down trivia crack and I beg you to take the journey with me... Whatthetech? is a journey we all could learn, love and grow from? Right? Kapish? #doit. #youwontregretit.

*I am not good at moderation. I believe all in is the way to go... 

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