
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Faith Freaks

Somedays, like everyday,  I like to think that I am in control of the scenario at hand. Truth is - God is chuckling at me and saying, seriously again?! And then He belts out the most awesome version of "Let it Go" and then I finally say, "Uncle!"  and He stops and says now go... Sing the tune all day long and guess what? I do. It's inevitable. Thank you Idina Menzel. I guess God knew what he was doing with that multi million dollar double platinum song! You are singing it right now, aren't you? 

I got to thinking what control and faith look like in my life with a big nudge from CHURCH this morning

That's why I love my church. 

Control is anxious. Faith is freeing.
Control is worry. Faith is trust.
Control is manipulative. Faith is responsible. 
Control is safe. Faith is reckless. 
Control holds on tight. Faith lets it go.
Control pushes you. Faith leads you. 
Control is restraint. Faith moves.
Control causes division. Faith makes you whole.
Control is the known. Faith is the unknown.
Control rushes you. Faith allows you to be still. 
Control causes overthinking. Faith prays. 
Faith is beautiful.  Faith is courageous. Faith is our love language with our God. 

Face it we are a bunch of people who like to control things or situations. 
We use a remote control to tell our electronics what to do - we use birth control to tell our bodies what to do - we use cruise control to monitor the speed we drive a car. 
Quality control helps manage the products we buy and make sure they are up to high standard... (I think I am okay with this one!) 

Control freaks! That's what we call people that have to have their fingers in every cookie jar and a say in everything. They manipulate situations and are on constant worry about stuff. Don't hear what I am not saying - having control can be a good thing... But not when it paralyzes our faith.  I've been there. Still am. But what if instead of control freaks we were faith freaks?!?

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