
Monday, September 1, 2014

Good Morning! One cup of coffee in- the house is quiet. I love these mornings. I am reading and writing and planning my next week. Our next unit - classifying animals.  This makes me laugh.  We do it every day...too skinny, too fat, too needy, too boring, fun, smart, healthy, a hot mess...the list goes on and on.

And then my head starts spinning.Thinking too much and not talking to myself kindly like I should. A call from a key villager comes in and squashes those "thinking too much thoughts". Then I find this!! Thank you for this Momastery. I poured my heart out yesterday and I realize it may make people uncomfortable; it may make them squirm, people may push back or raise a few eyebrows at me or for my husband...or for my girls.There we go classifying again.  It is OKAY. We are OKAY. This is my process and my journey...

Picture from

1 comment:

  1. No one else's journey but you're own. Just be the authentic you. xoxo
