
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Snarky loses to a Smile

I don't have anything witty or creative, clever or even sweet to say... I am feeling snarky. Something is dead and the vulture is circling over head, waiting to attack its dinner. It totally stinks, and I am mad about it. I got myself in a tizzy when an unkind person was just that...unkind.

So here I am trying to figure out a few things; why the hell can I let that define my whole day, mood and being? and why do women have to be so mean to other women? We are supposed to be in this together...Oh, don't get me wrong - I don't claim to like everyone or have a million friends...I'm just saying; can't we lend a smile once in a while to a fellow sister? Kindness is meant to be thrown around. Thrown around like confetti. It is not hard to be kind. Why not do it more?????

I really don't think it has to be hard...AT ALL. I teach my girls to be nice and respectful to everyone...but we as adults aren't held to the same standards? I just don't get it... I really don't.

The girls spent the afternoon riding their horses...and I talked myself off my ledge as I watched them not have a care in the world, frolicking in the fields... laughing and smiling. I have smiles to spare.They have smiles to spare. We have smiles to spare.

I don't have anything profound to say...and I don't have to I guess, the only thing I have this Sunday evening, is Faith. Sweet FAITH and that makes me smile  That's more than enough tonight.

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