
Monday, November 10, 2014

Heroes and Villians

Why am I wanting to live in the sharp jagged edges these days?  You know that scene in Maleficent when she (Maleficent) gets burnt by iron when she shakes Stefan's hand? If you haven't seen must. It's our favorite movie right now...I think we have watched it at least 3 times... Don't judge. It's about heroes and can't get much more perfect imperfection than that.

Sorry, squirrel moment! Anyway, after she tells him that iron burns fairies...he doesn't hesitate. He simply throws his ring and casts it away. Are you kidding me? He didn't even think about it...instinctual!  What an amazing gesture! What if we could do that for ourselves? What if we could do that for our own people? What if, when we know each other's weaknesses instead of using it against each other,  we immediately throw our hands in the air and yell... off limits???  It's not that easy; but it should be!

I think  there is a little of villain in all of us...and that's okay. I know there is a big villian in me. I made a list of my hero and villian traits. You should make one! It's scary. And exhilarating! And freaking real.  That is the imperfect part. The perfect part is when we get it right and rise above. And figure out how to be brave against our villains. Whom ever or what ever they may be- it may even be you!   So stop. Yell, OFF LIMITS!!!   And be a hero. Even if it is for just a few moments or longer... Just keep working at it.  
And for the days when you are edgy, and feeling like a villain...think about the pain and try to cast it away.  Pray it doesn't last.  Call on your village to lift you up. 

So my fellow heroes and villains, in the words of Kurt Vonnegut:
"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place."

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